How to Watch TV and Get Fit, 3 Minutes at a Time.
Imagine a workout that doesn’t require any big commitments of time or energy. In fact, it doesn’t take any extra time out of your day. That’s because all you have to do is watch TV like you normally do. But when the commercials come on, instead of flipping channels or being bored, you’re going to do some simple exercises for about three to four minutes or the length of a commercial break. That’s it!
No going to the gym, buying expensive equipment or changing your lifestyle at all. Yet in those three or four minutes at a time that you were honestly wasting anyway, you’re going to get fit. Really fit!

For Every Level
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced exercises. Our videos are designed for every level. In the privacy of your own home, you'll get fit 3 minutes at a time.

Special Focus Areas
Once you feel like you are getting fit, you can try to sculpt your body with some exercises that focus on the stomach, butt, arms and legs.

Some Life Changing Facts
We have included some articles about life changing facts can get you off the couch and do some exercises that can add years to your life.

No Expensive Equipment
No going to the gym, buying expensive equipment or taking time out of your day. Yet in 3 or 4 minutes at a time, you're going to get fit.